Our Anniversary
This year is our 15th anniversary, and we’re using the occasion to challenge the community to reduce hunger. Watch this page and our announcements as we unveil 15 different ways to help reduce hunger in our community!
Hold a food drive for the MLK Day of Service. For details go to the signup page.
Become a PayPal Recurring Donor. Sign up to automatically donate to the Food Bank via PayPal each month.
Engage Your Employer. Match an employee donation, donate money based on hours an employee has volunteered, give grants or donations directly, donate food, sponsor a food drive, or coordinate with employees to volunteer with us.
Sponsor A Saturday. Underwrite one week's distribution by contributing $3,000 to cover our costs. This opportunity is open to any business, civic organization, or even a group of friends. Contact us to learn how it works.
Support Us on Social Media. Help us connect with more people by sharing our social media posts about upcoming food distributions, volunteer opportunities, fundraising initiatives, pantry donations needed, and more! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and then help share!
Donate to Our Annual Fund. Every donation will help us keep our community fed, healthy, and secure--you can donate via PayPal here. Thank you!
Donate Seedlings. Sign up to donate seedlings to our May 13 Seedling Giveaway. For more details click here.
Grow a Row. Gardeners can plant extra in order to donate that produce to us when ready for harvest.
Volunteer as a Group. Coordinate with your coworkers, assemble your alumni, collaborate with your fellow churchgoers, or find a group of your neighbors or friends and sign up as a group to volunteer.
Donate Food at Our Community Collection Points. Donate nonperishable food at the downtown Starbucks (7336 Baltimore Ave) or at the Hollywood Farmers Market (Saturdays 9am-1pm).
Donate Extra Produce from Your Garden. We accept donations of produce on Fridays 4p.m.-6p.m. and Saturdays 8:30a.m.-10:30a.m. If you can’t make those timeframes, contact us to set up an appointment
Attend Our September 24 Benefit Recital. University of Maryland School of Music graduate students will feed your soul with music in order to benefit our efforts to feed people in our community. Learn more.
Add Us to Your Grocery List. When you shop, add a few things from our list to yours and then donate to us.
Donate a Turkey. Support our Thanksgiving food distrubtion by pledging here to donate one or more frozen turkeys, frozen turkey breasts, and/or frozen whole chickens.
Donate for Giving Tuesday. Ensure families in our community have food to share this holiday season by donating here.